I do not believe that we should pay to park at
hospitals. It's a tax on people when generally they are at their most vulunerable, visiting a sick relative or friend.
Most of us want a great
NHS, but we already pay enough in taxes for this monster without being taxed for the privilege of visiting our loved ones.
Here in
Stoke-on-Trent we are getting a
super-hospital. In their wisdom, the planners have not provided enough car parking spaces for the staff...who's clever idea was that?
The management excuse for this oversight is to say they have to cut their carbon footprint so they're looking at a park-and-ride scheme for staff.
First of all, is it me, or does it seem that everytime managers have to do something a bit tricky they blame global warning? You can here the Government excuse, "we are scrapping
SATS tests for 14-year-olds not because we are completely useless, but because we want to reduce the amount of carbon emissions created by teenagers taking exams," yeah, really...
Or, "we are sorry the economy is in meltdown, but it's due to
climate change..." And I thought it was due to the crass greed of bankers.
So where was I? Right, the other point about this park-and-ride business is that the
hospital staff are ignoring their own advice and not taking exercise.
Incredibly, around 1,000 live within a mile of the hospital and many decide to use their gas eating machines.
So there they are, eight hours a day, dishing out lectures on keeping fit to patients then driving a few hundred yards home. I ask you. What about getting on a bike or using your pins?
If you are minded and want to read more, pop to
The Sentinel...