We're all a bit disgruntled here in Stoke-on-Trent. According to
The Sentinel, three care workers have been sacked for talking about the place they work on
Facebook and putting a picture of one of their mates from the home, pictured in the home, on the site. Has anyone died? Has the reputation of the home been diminished? Was this a terror attack? Has any criminal offence been committed? No, no, no no. Unless there is a secret to be told, at best, these three should have had a warning...but was it even worth that? So far in the last seven days in
Stoke-on-Trent we have been told that takeaways are banned, sex shops are banned, walking on the cracks in pavements is banned, freedom of speech, banned, even banning something is now banned.
What in heaven's name (sorry, can't say heaven, banned) is going on????? The nanny state has truly taken over. Soon children will be banned from leaving their homes in Stoke-on-Trent unless they are covered in bubble wrap to protect them against the weather. Or Stoke ~City fans will be banned from singing
Why Delilah? because it will give them a sore throat.
There's so such
PC nonsense going on that you'll find more freedom in
Castro's right index finger than
Gordon Prudent's Stalinist state.
Should you wish to learn more about life in the Potteries, go to
The Sentinel's website...
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