Thursday 18 December 2008

In a spin in Stoke-on-Trent

There's a lot of sadness here in Stoke-on-Trent. Pensioner Arthur Colclough has been found dead in a Stoke-on-Trent City Council bungalow. He could have been dead for weeks. No-one knows. His neighbours asked for help and contacted the city council. They say the authority failed to act. So Arthur had a lonely death in his stinking home in Longport, which had no electricity or gas. Not long ago, the same thing happened to one of Mr Colclough's neighbours. Just a few doors away Terence Whatmore was found alone suffering from hypothermia. He died shortly afterwards. The coroner asked for measures to be taken to ensure that this didn't happen again. Nothing was done. The council shrugs its broad shoulders. Its only reply to Arthur's death comes in a 50-word statement. Bizarrely, it says that Mr Colclough had not asked for help in recent weeks. Did any think that maybe this was because he was dead...
This is a PR department which will cost taxpayers £940,000 during the next three years. Value for money? Or would this money be better spent on making sure that vulnerable old people don't die alone in their squalid council homes... Should you care to read more on life in Stoke-on-Trent, why not visit The Sentinel...

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